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Eastern NC Area Things for Teenagers to Do Over Summer

Eastern NC Area Things for Teenagers to Do Over Summer

Winter is wonderful. We all love white trees and sitting by the fire with a hot cup of cocoa. What we don’t like is having to clear the driveway every morning. Just so we can leave for school. Winter also makes days at school feel longer and nights at home in the warmth shorter. But now that summer is here, we finally get to relax and enjoy the sun!

Summer is all about hanging out with friends and planning fun adventures. Oh and possibly looking for a job! And let me tell you, Eastern NC never fails in that department.

ENC Explorer will help you find something to do over the summer! Unfortunately, you have to be at least 14 years old if you want to have a summer job. My 5 favorite places in Eastern NC are:

  • Outer Banks
  • Elizabeth City
  • Wilmington
  • Swanquarter
  • Fort Bragg

So let’s check out those areas. With that being said, this is Eastern NC area things for teenagers to do over the summer.

Experience The Adventure Of A Lifetime In the Outer Banks

Get to learn more about Shackleford Banks' wild horses. Horses that were brought here some 400 years ago are said to be the ancestors of this herd, which now roams freely. It will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to interact with nature. You will also get to assist your guide in tracking the horses. And observing their unique behavior in the wild.

After the trip, you will be led to one of North Carolina's top shelling beaches. There you may spend some time alone shelling your way along the beach. All while taking in the distant Cape Lookout Lighthouse. For this amazing experience, head on over to 600 Front Street, Beaufort, NC!

Feel The Adrenaline Pumping Through Your Veins In Elizabeth City

The environment is always changing. The neighborhoods near us have changed, just like fashion, food, and other things. However, no matter how much the world changes, nothing makes a teen's heart race like fast cars!

Feel the adrenaline pumping through your veins at Dixieland Speedway. The length of Dixieland Speedway is 3/8 of a mile. Every Friday night since the Speedway opened in 1983, some of the best racing has taken place there. Teenagers particularly enjoy watching race cars make those precise turns. Not to mention accelerating aggressively on the lengthy straightaways! So gather your friends or your crush and head on over to 1520 Northside Road in Elizabeth City. And hear those V8 engines running at full throttle!

Explore A Piece Of History In Wilmington

Did you know Wilmington is home to the nation's most decorated battleship? The Battleship NC was built during World War II and took 4 years to complete. Undoubtedly, time and effort were invested in it. And now you get to enjoy it! Battleship NC offers tours all year round, but summer is their busiest season! So you not only get to tour it, you also get to make some new friends! With expert tour guides and exhibits, you can learn more about history in a fun environment.

In honor of those valiant sailors, the Battleship NC will always be remembered. So prepare to see some gun torrents and even the sailors' sleeping quarters! Head on over to 1 Battleship Road NE for a unique and fun experience!

Fish At The Largest Natural Lake In North Carolina

Before you learn where the largest natural lake is, let’s check out some benefits of fishing!

  • Your vitamin D intake rises when you fish. The levels of calcium and phosphate in your body are controlled by vitamin D
  • Fishing sharpens your focus. Spending time outdoors or simply walking through greenery causes changes in the brain. Which enhances concentration
  • Fishing lowers stress. Even just being close to water reduces stress and promotes feelings of relaxation
  • Fishing boosts your confidence. Accomplishing personal goals is a terrific way to boost self-esteem. And fishing is all about setting and achieving them
  • You can unplug while fishing. Leave your computer at home, put down the iPad and just unplug

Now that you know the benefits of fishing, I can talk to you about Lake Mattamuskeet, just outside of Swanquarter. The Lake stretches 18 miles long and 7 miles wide. It is a shallow lake, so that is good for those that can’t swim. That also means you’re able to walk in and cast as far as you can!

There is good fishing and crabbing from canal bridges and water-control structures. There is also freshwater fishing for:

  • Largemouth Bass
  • Crappie
  • Catfish Sunfish
  • Striped Bass

The refuge is open year-round for bank fishing but perfect for summer. Massimo Strazzeri, a local guide said “It is one of the most unique places I have ever photographed.”

So head on over to 85 Mattamuskeet Road, Swanquarter, NC, and start fishing!

Examine Artifacts In Fort Bragg

The United States Army's 82nd Airborne Division is on active duty. It falls under the modular airborne infantry division. The Museum was founded in 1945. The goal is to gather, preserve, exhibit, and explain the Division's history. From 1917 to the present.

The museum's main objective is education. It does this by informing the military and civilian populations about the Division. To learn more about this division head over to C-6841, 5108 Ardennes St, Fort Bragg!

ENC Explorer
Author: ENC Explorer

After getting accepted to ECU, I started looking for things to do in and around Greenville, NC. However, my searches kept taking me to places in South Carolina! There must be things to do around ECU, so I started asking other students. They kept telling me to graduate and move away! This inspired me to begin exploring eastern North Carolina and build this website as a showcase of the places to go, sights to see, and things to do all over eastern NC. I have fallen in love with this region and started taking up roots here. After graduating, I didn't move away - I bought a house here and continue to explore eastern North Carolina.

This place is for Publicity

This place is for Publicity

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