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Cheap Things to Do in Wilson NC

Cheap Things to Do in Wilson NC


The Vollis Simpson Whirligig Park

Visit the Vollis Simpson Whirligig Park for a cheap alternative to exploring. This is a science and art park in Wilson North Carolina. You will get a fascinating experience in the mobile structures in the park. It has educational, artistic, and recreational value.

The man behind the park is known as Vollis Simpson. His job was repairing farm machinery before he discovered his art. Right before he retired, he started making huge kinetic sculptures at his farm. His work gained popularity and eventually became a park. You can visit and look at his work over the years. You will find incredible structures that have received a lot of praise from all those who visit. The park does not have an entrance fee, and you can see the structures from miles away.

Barton College

Barton College is known all over the country. The college has a lot of academic and athletic excellence. Students are encouraged to grow as a community and build relationships, together with learning. They are allowed to examine cultural and intellectual experiences and relate them to humanity.

If you have a few hours to spare and are looking for cheap things to do in Wilson NC, this is it. You can visit Barton College for free and get a tour of the institution while you’re there. 

The college's athletic program is one to admire. Games played at the college include:

  • Volleyball
  • Basketball
  • Track
  • Baseball

Wilson Rose Garden

The Wilson Rose Garden is one of the best cheap things to do in Wilson NC. You will get the unique chance to learn about roses. The garden has more than 200 rose plants. Of these, you will find about 180 different varieties. These range from modern hybrids to old garden versions.

Some of the roses found at Wilson Rose Garden include:

  • English Roses- also known as David Austin roses
  • Old Garden Roses
  • Hybrid teas
  • Grandifloras
  • Floribundas
  • Miniatures
  • Climbing roses
  • Shrub roses

When you visit the Wilson Rose Garden, you will get both educational and entertainment value. The location is great for nature lovers. It is a huge attraction to Eastern North Carolina. Wilson Rose Garden is a beautiful and relaxing family-friendly spot.

Lake Wilson

Visiting Lake Wilson is a great way to have fun on a budget. You can walk along the trails for a peaceful and therapeutic experience. It is one of the cheap things to do in Wilson NC that costs no money.

Go with your family, or alone for a relaxing walk around Lake Wilson. You will see some ducks in the water and along the shores. The trails are connected by bridges where the ground is wet. It is filled in with gravel to allow for a more comfortable walk.

Lake Wilson is home to various aquatic and marine life. You can see some birds, fish and a lot more species. You can even take your dog for a walk.

Imagination Station Science and History Museum

This is an interactive museum found in downtown Wilson. It is located in the previous Wilson Federal Building that was built in 1928. The Imagination Station has a lot of permanent exhibit spaces. There is also space for changing displays. Each showcase has themes of technology, science and history. Some of these exhibits include:

Science on a Sphere: This is shortened to SOS. The display makes use of video projectors and computers. It shows information about the planets. The data is displayed on a sphere with a diameter of 6 feet. It gives it the illusion of a huge animated globe.

The exhibit is shown in a separate room. You are allowed to choose any topic from the Control Center kiosk. The one you pick will be displayed.

  • Hidden No More: Shedding Light on Science Stories in the Shadows: This exhibit allows you to explore light in science. You can learn why we see different colors and where rainbows come from. You will also know how color gives us more information about objects in space. In this exhibit, there are stories about many scientists of the past and present. These stories are about their work and how their discoveries help us today.
  • Observation Hive: Bees are always a fascinating species. In this exhibit, you can see a lot of honey bees doing what they do best. Learn about the worker bees and forager bees. If you’re keen enough, you may be able to spot the queen.
  • Body-ology: This exhibit is made to make you move your body. You can take part in climbing a rock wall or race in the wild. Another fun thing is to try the snowboarding machine. You should have comfortable shoes to take part in Body-ology.
  • Keva Plank Studio: Do you have an interest in architecture? This exhibit allows you to channel that part of yourself. You can build skyscrapers and bridges of all kinds. Challenge yourself to recreate a replica of the Roman Colosseum. You only have to use the blocks in the exhibit room.

Imagination Station is a great family-friendly location. It is great if you are looking for cheap things to do in Wilson NC

ENC Explorer
Author: ENC Explorer

After getting accepted to ECU, I started looking for things to do in and around Greenville, NC. However, my searches kept taking me to places in South Carolina! There must be things to do around ECU, so I started asking other students. They kept telling me to graduate and move away! This inspired me to begin exploring eastern North Carolina and build this website as a showcase of the places to go, sights to see, and things to do all over eastern NC. I have fallen in love with this region and started taking up roots here. After graduating, I didn't move away - I bought a house here and continue to explore eastern North Carolina.

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