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Christmas Things to Do in the Outer Banks

Christmas Things to Do in the Outer Banks

Colorful lights bounce off the snow at night. Trees are draped with decorations. Greens and reds, golds and silver sparkle through the windows of every house. Bows on paper and the smell of freshly baked ginger men. Ahhh! Christmas is here! Joy and love, giving and forgiving. Christmas just brings out the best in all of us. Christmas unites us all from mistletoe to candy cane, to hearing melodies from down the lane.

Let's see all the Christmas things to do in the Outer Banks during the most wonderful time of the year.

WinterLights at the Elizabethan Garden

WinterLights in Manteo, North Carolina, offers the most mesmerizingly lit garden. Throughout the colder months, the Elizabethan garden transforms into a winter paradise. After enjoying the sparkling Christmas lights, head on over to the souvenir shop. It is the perfect place to warm up. Telling Christmas tales by the fire is enjoyed by most.

It is an annual custom not to be missed! The ten-acre grounds are transformed into a magical world as you stroll along the lit garden. Take in the beauty of the Christmas decorations, and a roaring open fire. The Royal Exchange Gift Shop will also sell seasonal plants and Christmas presents. So head on over to 1411 National Park Dr, Manteo to check out this spectacular scenery.

Hatteras Island's Parade

One of Hatteras Island's most joyous events is the yearly Christmas parade. It has become a long-standing custom for both natives and seasonal tourists. The Hatteras Island Christmas Parade is a festive and small-town parade. It helps motivate everyone to get into the holiday spirit. It brings together:

  • Neighborhood shops
  • Fire services
  • The US Coast Guard
  • Non-profit groups

The parade travels a mile-long route. Starting from the Hatteras Community Center and ending at Eagle Pass Road. It takes place every year around the second Saturday in December. Toys, candy, and other prizes are thrown to the people in the crowd throughout the march down NC Highway 12. Local businesses and organizations are portrayed by floats with coastal themes. 

At the end of the parade, Santa makes a special visit! After the parade, everyone is invited back to the community center. Back at the community center, you get to enjoy cookies and hot cocoa as they mention the winners. So head on over to the community center situated at 56658 North Carolina Hwy 12, Hatteras, NC.

Poulos Family Spectacular Christmas Light Display

The Poulos began organizing the beautiful show at their house on 622 Ocean Acres Drive over 40 years. It has attracted thousands of guests from far and wide and gained national attention.

Setting up for this holiday light display takes 12 weeks.

Sadly, after the passing away of Jim and his wife Annie Lee the lights have stopped. That was until the neighbors decided they needed to honor the Poulos. The best way they could honor this amazing couple was to continue with their tradition.

So head on over and check it out!

Outer Banks Jingle Jog

Are you part of a fitness family? Or do you just want to get to spend the day in the sun with friends, family, and the kids? Well, Outer Banks has you covered! At the Outer Banks Jingle Jog not only do you get to have fun in the sun, but you also do so while having it Christmas-themed.

Here you will run from Oceanside through Southern Shores' charming village. All while taking in the freshness of a winter morning on the Outer Banks. You have the option to take part in the 10k Loop or the Out & Back 5k, depending on your pace. You can also bring the kids out to take part in the Jingle Jog or the Little Elf 1/4 mile.

All joggers will get a limited edition finisher medal, chip timing, and an event t-shirt. Those can be used to brag about being part of the Jingle Jog. A special award is handed out to the top three overall male and female finishers in the 5k and 10k. There will be post-race snacks and beverages. You should also hint to the little ones that they could get their photo taken with Santa.

This great initiative is presented by The Outer Banks Visitors Bureau. It is held at the GYM located on the southbound side at milepost 4.5 by the big road in Kitty Hawk. Or if you prefer, 3712 Croatan Hwy Kitty Hawk, NC.

Duck Yuletide Festival

The Town of Duck is hosting its 12th Annual Duck Yuletide Celebration in the Town Park. The Town Park is known for its stunning sunsets, beautiful scenery, and family fun. At the Duck Yuletide Celebration, you can expect activities such as:

  • Playing Dixieland's Christmas music
  • Family fun activities
  • Delicious refreshments
  • The lighting of the crab pot tree
  • Meeting Santa

This event is all about giving back. And the Annual Duck Yuletide Celebration takes pride in giving back.

They host the Outer Banks SPCA, which comes with their furry friends on site ready to adopt. In the event you are unable to adopt, you may also donate to the SPCA directly if it is within your means. Funds are also collected for the Beach Food Pantry, which allows them to source much-needed items. In the end, all donations are welcomed, and don't feel bad if you can’t donate, a warm smile is priceless. So head on over to 1200 Duck Road, Duck, NC for this joyous and spectacular event.

ENC Explorer
Author: ENC Explorer

After getting accepted to ECU, I started looking for things to do in and around Greenville, NC. However, my searches kept taking me to places in South Carolina! There must be things to do around ECU, so I started asking other students. They kept telling me to graduate and move away! This inspired me to begin exploring eastern North Carolina and build this website as a showcase of the places to go, sights to see, and things to do all over eastern NC. I have fallen in love with this region and started taking up roots here. After graduating, I didn't move away - I bought a house here and continue to explore eastern North Carolina.

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