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Emerald Loop & Arts District Greenville NC

Emerald Loop & Arts District Greenville NC

Citizens of Greenville, it's time to get excited!

Community leaders have listened to the feedback and have been inspired. An announcement was recently made to introduce the Emerald Loop Project in Uptown Greenville. If you haven't heard, the Emerald Loop Project is basically a way to connect. By connection, we mean all cultural spots and artistic activities from the community are in a loop.

So, what exactly is an Emerald Loop?

Essentially, there will be a green path around Uptown Greenville. When pedestrians step on it, they can follow the loop around to discover local points of interest and value in Greenville. This project will stretch out over five years, which will conclude in a vibe that will not only bring out locals but attract tourists to the city.

Included will be an extension to the free Emerald Express. The trolley would take guests around the loop. Many stops along the way will provide riders with the opportunity to get up close and personal with a number of places. All of which are promoted in the Emerald Loop & Arts District.

A team was put together several years back that had people from public forums and the private sector. The overlying goal was to lead the city in a direction that would make it stand out. The idea was to highlight our people as a way to let the world know how much we have to offer.

Settled in the late 18th century, Greenville has been building the area's heritage as a point of pride. Now, the city is ready to show off in a way that is completely unique to any other city in the US. After all, Greenville is one of the most populated towns in the state. It's time to spread our creativity!

How is the project being funded?

The Pitt County Arts Council has been awarded $30,000 from the North Carolina Arts Council to go toward the project. That's a great way to kick off this multilevel plan. There has also been an application submitted that would award the PCAC $75,000, which would cover most of what's left. Any amount still needed after both grants will require fundraising. The PCAC has expressed its interest in doing so for the project.

Emerald Loop Project Timeline

As mentioned, this will not be an overnight turnaround. The approval of such a timeline shows the city's commitment to making this dream come to fruition. Below is a quick breakdown of what that is going to look like.

Year One:

All roads that have been scheduled to be part of the Emerald Loop will begin treatment for paving. This will start where Evans Street and Reade Circle come together. Next, the request for qualifications on the lights needed for the strip around the city will be evaluated. The specifications needed will be put together to extend throughout the Emerald Loop.

Year Two:

Paving begins on new parts of the loop, such as the Culvert Connector Crosswalk. All the work done to figure out what the city needs in terms of lighting will begin to be put to the test. The municipal and stakeholder buildings will be lit up first. Here are a few more big-ticket items to round out the second year:

  • Wildly vibrant murals to be placed on the 10th Street Underpass
  • Emerald Express expansion
  • Creating trolley informational posts and awnings
  • Decision to be made on whether or not to move any current venues for a better position on the loop

Years Three and Four:

At some point within these two years, the trolley will finally be up and running! That ride will come with seats for stops as well as maps keeping passengers in the know about their location. New and exciting lighting will be happening at specific light poles. There will also be bold lighting for the Underpass.

Year Five:

As the project wraps up, the Emerald Loop will merge with Five Points Plaza in a whimsical way. There will be a vast array of artworks to signify a culmination of the loop and every magical thing that went into the project. Bringing the city to this new level of artistic showmanship took the effort of many.

Greenville and the people who call it home shall reap the rewards for years to come. The people who make the journey here will also have been exposed to a truly wonderful place that they will want to return to.

The Future of Uptown Greenville

Executive Director of the council spoke about the Emerald Loop.

"We hope to connect all different parts of our communities on this trolley."

That's the real push behind making this project happen in the first place. Not just to transport, but to show them around and have something to bond over.

Aside from making something beautiful that will keep the citizens invested. These improvements will hopefully bring the community together. Exposing people who walk by to these local gems. Will uplift the cultural significance of everyone exhibiting their work. It will also reflect what makes this area so special in the first place.

ENC Explorer
Author: ENC Explorer

After getting accepted to ECU, I started looking for things to do in and around Greenville, NC. However, my searches kept taking me to places in South Carolina! There must be things to do around ECU, so I started asking other students. They kept telling me to graduate and move away! This inspired me to begin exploring eastern North Carolina and build this website as a showcase of the places to go, sights to see, and things to do all over eastern NC. I have fallen in love with this region and started taking up roots here. After graduating, I didn't move away - I bought a house here and continue to explore eastern North Carolina.

This place is for Publicity

This place is for Publicity

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